Soma 250mg

(11 customer reviews)


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What is Soma 250mg?

Soma 250mg is a prescription drug in oral tablet form that helps relax muscles after strains, sprains, and muscle injuries.

It also blocks pain sensations between the brain’s nerves. Soma 250mg is categorized as a centrally acting muscle relaxant. A Carisoprodol tablet is the drug’s generic or “actual” name.

Drug Description

Soma 250mg (Carisoprodol) works by affecting the communication between the CNS nerves (central nervous system). It produces pain relief and muscle relaxation and is also available in combination products that include aspirin and codeine.

Soma 250mg Imprints

Soma 250mg is an effective medicine for musculoskeletal pain. Generally, the effect of this drug begins within half an hour and lasts up to six hours. Its formation is for oral use only.

You can use our website to buy Soma 250mg online from the comfort of your home. Generally, the effectiveness of Soma begins within half an hour and lasts up to six hours. Its formation is for oral use only.

Dosage and Administration

You must take Soma only for short periods, up to two or three weeks. There is no evidence of Soma 250 mg effectiveness in long-term use, and most cases of skeletal muscle injuries are generally of short duration.

Contact your medical healthcare provider if there is no improvement in your symptoms or if they get worse. The usual intake of Soma is thrice a day and at bedtime. Follow your doctor’s instructions very carefully.

The typical adult dosage for muscle spasms is Soma 250 mg to 350 mg orally thrice a day and at bedtime. Do not suddenly stop taking this drug after long-term use, or you could face unpleasant Soma withdrawal symptoms.

This medicine is only a part of a complete treatment program that includes physical therapy or other pain relief measures.

Soma is a medicine of abuse, and be aware if anyone is misusing your medication or taking it without a prescription.

Your Soma 250mg dosage will depend upon various factors such as:

  • Your age and the reason behind taking treatment from Soma;
  • Your initial response to the therapy with Soma;
  • Other medications you are taking or were using in the past; or
  • Your other medical conditions

Adult dosage of Soma for muscle spasm:

  • The typical dose is 250 mg Soma to 350 mg orally three times a day and at bedtime
  • Duration of treatment: up to two to three weeks


  • The medication should be kept at room temperature in a closed container away from heat, moisture, and bright light.
  • Keep out of children’s reach.
  • Do not store expired or unnecessary medications.


  •  Your doctor must regularly assess your progress to ensure that the medication operates as intended and to look for any side effects. Some people may experience dizziness, drowsiness, or decreased alertness when using this medication.
  • Avoid operating machinery, operating a vehicle, or engaging in any activity that could be risky if you are not awake.
  • Without first seeing your doctor, do not abruptly discontinue taking this medication. It could be necessary to reduce your dose before stopping it altogether gradually.
  • Consult your doctor if your issue doesn’t get better or worsens after two to three weeks. Other medicines should not be taken unless discussed with your doctor. Whether it be a prescription drug or not.


Take Soma 250mg precisely per the doctor’s prescription while carefully reading and following all the directions on the prescription label and medication guides.

Soma may be a habit-forming drug, and its misuse of this medication can cause Soma addiction, Overdose, or death. It is against the lawful act to sell or give away this medicine.

Overdose of Soma can be fatal, especially if you take it with alcohol or other drugs that can cause your breathing to slow. Take emergency medical help if you have any of the following symptoms of Soma overdose:

  • Vision problems;
  • Hallucinations;
  • Confusion;
  • Loss of coordination;
  • Muscle stiffness;
  • Fainting; Shallow or weak breathing;
  • Seizure; or Coma

What are the side effects of Soma?

You need to stop using Soma 250mg  (Carisoprodol) and call your doctor instantly if you have any severe side effects while or after taking this medicine.

Call 911 if you feel the side effects are life-threatening or if you think you need instant medical help.

Severe side effects

  • Seizure Convulsions
  • Heart problems with symptoms that may include fainting (primarily due to low blood pressure), rapid heartbeat, and flushing (sudden reddening) of the skin;
  • Nervous system issues like agitation, depression, shakiness, or trouble making muscle movement;
  • Stomach problems such as vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain; or
  • High serotonin levels in the body- fever, agitation, sweating, shivering, hallucinations, muscle stiffness, fast heart rate, nausea, loss of coordination, twitching, vomiting, diarrhea

Common side effects

Common side effects of Soma may include headache, dizziness, or drowsiness. But it would help if you considered that it is not a complete list of side effects, and others may occur.

Consult your medical healthcare provider for further information regarding side effects and report any new or worsening side effects to the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

Drug Interaction

Drug interaction between Soma and Suboxone can be dangerous or even fatal, so avoid taking them together. Taking Soma carefully under proper medical supervision proves an efficient way for muscle relaxation and calming the pain caused by sprain, strain, and muscle injury.

11 reviews for Soma 250mg

  1. Robin

    One of the best drug for treatment of chronic pain.

  2. Carmen Weir

    Detailed and smart description of the drug that prevents any mishappening related to consumption of the drug.

  3. Caris Browne

    On-call assistance if one misses the drug or has some side effect of the drug.

  4. Amy

    Late-night delivery.

  5. Lancaster

    Late-night delivery in terms of emergency is one of the best features.

  6. Lilac

    Detailed and smart description of the drug that prevents any mishappening related to consumption of the drug.

  7. Gore Verbinski

    Supportive and understanding nature of the delivery person.

  8. Bradley Hardy

    A careful check on the doctor’s prescription proof

  9. Ronald Bailey

    Oral intake with no side effects and physical problem.

  10. Ezra Edwards

    Soma 250mg offers budget-friendly relief at just $19.99. The price is unbeatable, especially considering the potency.

  11. Aaron Collins

    Take advantage of frequent discounts. Subscribers enjoy exclusive offers, making Soma 250mg even more wallet-friendly.

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